Kshitij Srivastava


Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology - Delhi, IN

July 2018 - July 2020

M.Tech (CSE), CGPA 8.33

Thesis: Applications of Open Transit Data


  • Appreciation for Masters Thesis
  • Dean’s R&D Award - 2019
  • AICTE PG Scholarship - 2018-20


  • Student Mentor for 2019-20 - mentored a group of 10 Masters students.
  • TA for Discrete Mathematics, Data Warehousing, Introduction to 3D design, Privacy and Security in Online Social Media

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University - Lucknow, IN

August 2013 - June 2017

B.Tech (CSE), 74.44%


  • Placement coordinator for 2015-16
  • Head Coordinator for Renaissance committee 2015-16. Responsible for organizing the runway event and managing sponsorships


Research Assistant, Mobility and Optimisation Lab - IIIT Delhi, IN

Nov 2020 - Current

  • Working on GTFS data creation (static and real-time) for the two transit agencies in Delhi (DIMTS and DTC)
  • Responsible for enabling the integration of this data with third party vendors
  • Part of the ticketing team conducting e-ticketing trials across Delhi

Consultant, Mobility and Optimisation Lab - IIIT Delhi, IN

May 2020 - Oct 2020

  • Worked on a project to lay down policy guidelines for creation and dissemination of Open Data for Public Transport - Chennai for the World Bank

Graduate Student Researcher, Mobility and Optimisation Lab - IIIT Delhi, IN

Jan 2019 - July 2020

  • Performed a study to evaluate the effect of the odd even scheme on traffic congestion in Delhi
  • Analyzed the impact of bus breakdown on traffic congestion
  • Developed a system to detect bus stop points in real-time using spatio-temporal clustering

Intern, Chartr - IIIT Delhi, IN

May 2019 - July 2019

  • Worked on developing a multi-modal trip planning algorithm for Delhi based on static data
  • Integrated this algorithm with a Django API module to be served to an android app

Intern, Tata Consultancy Services - Lucknow, IN

June 2016 - Sept 2016

  • Developed an HTML UI Generator tool
  • The tool helped non-programmers to generate desired HTML pages


Public Information System : Public Transport Data, GTFS [Link]

  • Developed a plug-n-play public information system for commuters
  • The information can be displayed on any display using a web browser
  • Made the backend and required APIs for the application to work

Effects of Odd-Even Policy on traffic speeds in Delhi : Policy Evaluation, Open Transit Data, GTFS [Link]

  • Studied the impact of the odd-even road rationing policy on traffic conditions in Delhi
  • The study was performed using open transit data
  • Observed a consistent decrement of 15-20% in travel times owing to the policy
  • Work covered by major national newspapers)

Assessing the impact of bus breakdown on fuel costs : Machine Learning, Clustering

  • Collected data for bus breakdowns from bus depot
  • Using the open GTFS data of buses, categorized breakdown cases
  • Used spatio-temporal DB-SCAN to detect these breakdowns in real-time
  • Employed a fuel consumption model to estimate the cost of the extra fuel consumed


Programming Languages : Python, Shell scripting
Frameworks : Django, Flask, Pandas
Tools : Jupyter, Git


Hindi : Native
English : Fluent, TOEFL - 113/120